
General items. For things that don’t fit other categories easily – to prevent proliferation of category ID’s and simplify the taxonomy

Living with Crippling Self-Doubt


While I have been successful at my career, I live in a perpetual belief that I am not good enough. I constantly feel like I am a fraud, and at any time someone will come along and unmask me.
Of course, all evidence points at the opposite, that I am quite competent, and capable, often exceeding expectations, and gaining the trust of my managers/executives and peers.

Review: Full Contact


There are a few things in my computing life that have been constantly chaotic. Top of the list: my contacts. Looking at how my life has bounced around like a pinball, I have 3 active Google mail accounts, I have my Mac Address book, where all my added contacts from my iPhone dribble in to, and an old application and card scanner that wasn’t really compatible. In short, it was a mess. Then I...

Getting my online properties in shape


Having started with my web hosting at Media Temple, and their managed offering, their “Grid” platform. Circa 2010, it was state of the art, and worked very well. Apart from some shared MySQL database that had a couple of hogs who affected performance early, it was flawless. Then in late 2014, I got the notice that Media Temple had been sold to the pirates at GoDaddy. Having dealt with...

2017 Predictions


Ah, the year clicks over from 2016 to 2017, and suddenly everybody weighs in with their predictions for the new year. I guess I should do some similar weighing in. So, Swami Anderson places his clenched fist upon his turban, and predicts … Politics President Elect Trump has selected some truly awful, unqualified, and potentially corrupt cabinet members. From Jeff “The KKK is ok except...

Blogging History/Workflow


Set the wayback machine to August 2009. I was in a pretty bad place work wise, and I created a blog on merely as an outlet. Shortly after that I dove into hosting my own blog, using my domain, and the rest is history. In between then and now, I have been through three (four if you count my work for Southern Arizona Greyhound Adoption) hosting / VPS providers, worked with...

It was a new day yesterday,


but it’s an old day now … 2016 is finally over, and 2017 has crossed the threshold. While we lost many of my Rock and Roll idols during 2016, and we finally had to say goodbye to Tate, our seizure greyhound, it wasn’t all bad. Dealing with some of my domains, making a transfer in December, I found that my prized possession, the .com for Tralfaz was lying fallow. So, instead of...

Waking up in a Libertarian US


A dream sequence of waking up in a Libertarian USA Joe Conservative wakes up in the morning and goes to the bathroom. He flushes his toilet and brushes his teeth, mindful that each flush & brush costs him about 43 cents to his privatized water provider. His wacky, liberal neighbor keeps badgering the company to disclose how clean and safe their water is, but no one ever finds out. Just to be...



It is not a well hidden fact that I have a degree in Physics. But during my studies at San Jose State University, I had a few amazing semesters, really knocked it out of the park. That earned me an invitation to join the honor society, Sigma-Pi-Sigma. At the time, 1988 or so, I thought nothing of it, and forgot about it. Then around 2009, they “found” me. Apparently, you never are...

Gun Culture


No, I am not going to rip on the prevalence of guns in the country, or about how to solve the problem of so many nutty people going out in a blaze of glory. Instead I am going to offer an observation, from my single data point, me. I have long enjoyed shooting. Got my start at 8 years old or so, I was a typical boy, so the usual “cops and robbers” and “cowboys and indians”...

A new beginning


Welcome! If it isn’t clear yet, I am starting fresh here. If you are a fan of my old site, I need to apologize. The old home of no holds barred product management is no more. From 2009 through 2014, it was a needed outlet to preserve my sanity. Product Management has a soft white underbelly, and it felt good to rant and rave often on topics that really raised my ire. If you read the tripe...

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