We are relocating, and consequently our house is in the market in Chandler. No surprises there. Back in April we signed a 3 month (90 day) contract, as dictated by our relocation company.
Fast forward to late June. 90 days is up, and we re-sign with the agent we selected to continue the contract. Unfortunately a snafu happened, and the update didn’t get reflected that evening, and our listing “expired” for about 8 hours.
Ho-lee shit Batman, what a zoo ensued. First I got an email from my agent letting me know that we might get some calls, and to not be worried. No big deal.
Except that whole day I had other real estate agents contact me about picking up my listing. I stopped counting after the 6th distinct agent called.
It was madness. There is a glut of houses on the market in the Phoenix metro area, and while I used to get fliers hung on my door to see if I was interested in selling, I had no idea that real estate agents were vultures.
Just yesterday, I got two formal mailed inquiries, dutifully redirected to my new mail address.
I guess I am glad to not be an agent.