"Knives Out" is a captivating mystery set in the Northeast, revolving around the patriarch's birthday and subsequent unexpected events. Featuring a stellar cast including Ana de Armas and Daniel Craig, director Rian Johnson's brilliance shines through. With an intricate plot and brilliant performances, this highly recommended movie promises an enjoyable and delightful experience.
2023 in review
The start of 2023 was busy on Tralfaz, with 28 posts on guitar playing, gaming, and more. The decision to move professional blogs to Substack was a trial run. A new gaming PC was built and several recommendations on movies and shows were made. However, social media habits were kicked, and plans for the coming year include writing more and exploring alternatives to Substack.
How Things Improve
The writer found a boxed set of the first season of The Avengers and the complete second season, which they purchased despite it being a Region 2 DVD. After researching how to bypass the region restrictions, they found a Pioneer UHD drive that was compatible out of the box and successfully ripped the discs for their Plex server, enjoying a great Saturday afternoon.
Physical Media is Back
After the streaming revolution, I have reverted to purchasing physical media for my consumption purposes. It is a good thing.
Hitting Limits
My gaming rig, always a compromise from the Covid era, is beginning to bounce against the limits of performance. Not time to upgrade ... yet
Mega super bummer
It is distressing to realise that you are getting old.
Kids these days
Kids today have so much better access to learning to play guitar. The cornucopia of instruments, gear, and access to free resources is unparalleled. Now get off my lawn!
Fake promoted Amazon Products shit has gotta stop
A trusty kitchen appliance bites the dust, and the search for a replacement highlights the enshittification of Amazon
The Day my Guitar Teacher Burst my Bubble
So much of my favorite music has a very simple foundation, and once you understand that, the world is your oyster
Music Appreciation: Michael Schenker
Junior year of high school, a friend dropped the definitive UFO live album on his turntable, and dropped the needle. I was blown away, and that's how my long fandom of Michael Schenker began.