The high cost of illness


Recently, I spent a week in Barcelona at a trade show, where I worked the booth all day, pretty much every day. I must have had detailed discussions with literally hundreds of people.

No surprise that as I was leaving, I began to suffer from the initial effects of an impending cold.

By Monday I was sick. Sore throat, congestion, coughing.

Not long after I got the galloping cruds, my wife also came down with the sickness.

But this isn’t a post about the cold process, but instead the cost of the OTC remedies.

My early cold consumed most of what we had on hand, so I needed to go and restock.

On the shopping list:

  • Nyquil – srsly, nothing is better to help you get to sleep if you have a hacking cough. The generics just don’t cut it…
  • Mucinex DM – Again, there is no real substitute. Most of the other meds mix shit-loads of Acetaminophen (Tylenol). Not good, as it is pretty damn easy to get to doses that are hazardous to your liver…
  • Day/Night Caplets. Here it is fine to use the generics. TopCare, the Raley’s white label works well, and saves a few bucks.
  • Orange Juice – not sure that massive doses of Vitamin C help, but it feels good.
  • Cough drops. Cheapies work well, as long as there is some menthol in them.

Total cost: $71.00

Hoooooollllleeeeeee sheeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiitttttt

That is a lotta bread for OTC remedies.

About the author


Product Manager in Tech. Guitar player. Bicycle Rider. Dog rescuer. Techie.

By gander

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