We missed the Fourth of July (we were picking up our dogs), but we read about how some poor sod not far from our new apartment had lost his hand when an illegal firework accident (a co-worker tells me about a park a mile or so from where we live that is chaotic with professional grade fireworks, so I am not surprised).
But last night on New Year’s Eve, it was pretty insane. Starting about 6:00PM there were sporadic fireworks and random explosions. Not much different than in Tucson or Chandler. I was hopeful that it wouldn’t be too bad.
Ha! That was a false hope. Starting about 11:30, the frequency and intensity of the fireworks escalated. It truly sounded like a war zone. Large, arial bursters, strings of fire crackers, and some mighty impressive Roman Candles were everywhere.
It truly sounded and felt like being in a war zone.
Poor Garrett, our greyhound who gets nervous around the explosions and loud noises. I had him in the upstairs bedroom, and was struggling to keep him from freaking out. He would have jumped through the sliding glass door if he wasn’t confined and soothed. Poor baby!
Talking to some of the neighbors, this is par for the area. Sigh.