Vera – itv series


I have been on a British police procedural show binge lately, with shows like Hinterland, Shetland, DCI Banks, and Wallander, all extremely well produced, and very entertaining.

A couple of weeks ago, Hulu recommended a new show, “Vera” based on characters by Ann Cleeves, and some fantastic acting by the cast. Based on cases, murders, and well developed stories. 4 episodes per season, and 3 seasons on Hulu (out of 8, BOO!)

The main character, Vera Stanhope, played by Brenda Blethyn, is a departure from the leads in shows like DCI Banks. She is just so, real. Middle aged (later actually), somewhat disheveled, and not model perfect, she is a warm person, super sharp, and while she appears to be a little rough with her team of investigators, she really does care about the team.

Different than the other British detective/police procedurals, Vera is definitely not in the mold you have become familiar with in shows like DCI Banks, and Hinterland.

Alas, Hulu only has 3 seasons (out of 8) so we are back to the Netflix DVD delivery service for series 4 and later (boo).

THe series is based on the characters created by the author Ann Cleeves, and on a whim, I bought the first book on my Kindle. An interesting writing style (you have to experience it, I highly recommend picking up “The Crow Trap” the first Vera Stanhope novel) and Vera is introduced about a third of the way in the book. As I mentioned, it’s weird, but it also works well.

Reading this really nails down the persona and character of Vera. Highly recommend it while you are watching the series.

I can recommend this series, as well as the books. Worthy of the time spent, and rather enjoyable.

About the author


Product Manager in Tech. Guitar player. Bicycle Rider. Dog rescuer. Techie.

By gander

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