After the low speed, but still catastrophic fall cycling yesterday, I knew that the next day would be brutal. I am not disappointed.
The swelling is down, the golfball-sized lump on my elbow is gone, and the scrapes are scabbing up. Yay.
However, the other damage is now coming to the front. The inventory isn’t great, but I guess it could be worse.
The Elbow isn’t broken, full motion, but there is soreness beyond the scrapes and new scabs.
My left hamstring seems to have a deep tissue bruise. I am wondering what the hell I did to get that. No surface bruising, but yikes, the muscle is painful.
My nose, and left cheek have some edema’s that were caused by hard contact with my sports glasses. Enough force to pop out the lens is enough to leave some permanent marks.
General muscle soreness in my lower back, my pectorals, and other places that will not be mentioned.
Yep, Vitamin I for the win today.