I am wondering what the heck is up. The last 4 weeks have heralded an uptick in traffic here in the south bay, a real escalation.
Traffic has been awful here in the bay area for a long time. Before I moved away, it was bad. But, in the 12 years I was in Arizona it has gone insane.
Last summer, when we moved back, I fell into a pattern. There were days that were lighter in commute time from south San Jose, Monday and Friday. Probably due to people working from home one day a week, and picking Friday or Monday.
When school started in 2014, there was an increase in the early traffic, but not too bad.
This year, school started the last week of August, and traffic increased. But there was still a marked reduction in traffic on Monday and Friday.
However, last week and this week so far, a 17 mile drive that through the last year has averaged 35-45 minutes is now consistently more than an hour. This morning, it took me 55 minutes to get to the Pruneyard Towers (about 1/2 way). Total transit time: 1:21