Saying goodbye to an old friend


Today, I lay to rest an old faithful friend. She joined our household for Christmas in 2007, and has been a faithful servant ever since. Alas, the end must come for all, and that day is today.

Of course, I am talking about our Capresso coffee maker. Back when I bought her, it was the “best” insulated carafe coffee maker for the domestic market. At least according to what was available (not many options), and what the reviews were.

Your typical cone filter drip coffee maker, it had a timer (which we never once used), a charcoal filter, and it made great coffee.

My recollection is that it cost about ~$110 back in 2007, so for about $15.71 a year, + coffee it made over 2,500 pots of coffee. Not a bad life.

However, the base of the unit was beginning to corrode (ok, rust), and the stainless of the carafe was also beginning to rust.

I was happy to live with those blemishes, as it still made great coffee. Yet, as the end drew near, I began to notice that the full pot cycle wasn’t brewing a full pot, leaving 3-4 cups in the reservoir. A deep cleaning and descaling failed to rectify that condition, and thus her fate was sealed.

She can go to her recycling bin rendezvous knowing that she was appreciated.

Betsy, our new coffee makerThe replacement maker, a Bonavita unit, with a vacuum carafe (keeps the coffee hot longer) arrived yesterday. This morning it brewed its first pot. Ahhhhhh. The reviews on Amazon were right. It does make an awesome pot of coffee.

It is a bit more minimal than the Capresso. There is no timer, no small batch mode, and it doesn’t even have a pause and serve mode. It has an on button (with auto off), the vacuum insulated carafe, and that is it.

But it makes fabulous coffee.

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By geoffand

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