Pleasant Surprise – Cell phone


Yesterday I had a great experience at the local AT&T store, and I have to share.

My wife has been a Verizon customer forever. She chose them way back because they had better coverage where she spent a lot of her time. Being somewhat of a luddite, she has been using a flip phone (a pretty plain, but solid LG flip phone) for about 5 years. As time went on, she began to use it more, and often went over limits on messaging and phone calls, so she has increased her plan accordingly.

About 2 months ago, I spied one of her bills, and almost threw up. She was spending $80+ a month on her boring, non-smart phone. About the same time AT&T came out with their mobile share plan, where all phones/tablets etc were pretty cheap to add, and shared a big pool of data.

We can thank T-Mobile for starting this trend, but it is really refreshing.

I had been dallying lately on getting her moved/added to my account, and giving her my old iPhone 4S (still very serviceable) since she had been dealing with her parents, and other things that kept her away from home.

Yesterday, we just drove to the AT&T store in Gilbert at the San Tan Village. In the space of about 20 minutes, that phone was reactivated, added to my mobile share account, my ipad moved to it, and we have a 10G plan to share.

As a last thing they asked who I worked for, as I might qualify for a discount. Thinking this was a waste of time, I played with them. Sure enough, I will get an additional 22% discount on my bill. Net results is that we add my wife to the plan, get two iPhones, plenty of data, and my ipad, all for about $40 less than we paid for our separate cell plans.

Oh, and it took about 15 minutes for her number from Verizon to port over. Sending calls immediately, receiving them before we left the store.


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By geoffand

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