
House Journal – Comcast buggery


As we are preparing to move into our new house, after all the work and changes we wanted, it is time to begin the migration of things like utilities. Monday, I called Comcast, our cable provider, and got a cheery person who assisted me. I explained that we were moving next week, and that we wanted to move our service, and to add a landline phone (at the Wife’s request). No problem, and in...

Comcast Suckage


A week or so ago, I raved about the in store experience with Comcast cable, our tv and internet provider here (yes, I know their reputation, but what I am going to use instead, fucking AT&T U-Verse?!?) I connected immediately with a great customer service rep in their store, who set me up proper. One of the issues was that they needed to visit sometime the day after to hook up cable, as it...

Cable Awesomeness


I know recently I ragged on the Comcast service in our temporary house for slow internet and the shitty DVR they provide. So, I feel that I must mention my awesome experience today. We signed our lease on an apartment. We are going to live there for a year, and thus I need cable and internet. The only option was Comcast Cable or AT&T UVerse service. No choice really. A week ago, I tried to...

Comcast Sucks


When we first moved to Arizona, I splurged and bought a Tivo. It was an old one, and it was wonderful. Worked great, super intuitive interface, great integration. Back then it had to call Tivo every day to get the latest listings. In 2006 or so, we went HD, and upgraded to a Series 2 HD, with the cable cards. With the exception of a failed HD in 2012, replaced via Weaknees, it has been wonderful...

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