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One year in Chandler – Time flies


On this date, one year ago, we were busting our humps with the movers to get our stuff moved into our house. There were boxes everywhere (most where they belonged), and furniture that was almost in the right room. That day was a blur, but it felt good to arrive in Chandler and get down to settling in. I remember the AC was flakey in the south side of the house (the living area), and the sod that...

Refresher: Set theory and logic


Yesterday, while I was waiting for my computer to be reimaged due to some serious funk happening with my outlook mail, I had a couple hours to burn. After I killed a longer than normal walk at lunch, I sat down in the lobby with a good book. Background: my products are reliant on a lot of technology, but one aspect is critical in how they work and are used. This being a PID Servo Control system...

What a wasted day


The joy that is Windows. Every so often you need to blow it all away and start from scratch. Today was that day. Outlook had been a piece of garbage for quite some time. Lots of bandaids, duct tape and baling wire was keeping me up and running. But today it finally gave up the ghost. So, back up all my files, and off to IT to reimage, and get me back to a stable state. Alas, a lot of software...

Things you can’t unsee


This is going to be gross.  If you are squeamish, click away now. There is no shame. Still with me? I have long been a bicyclist. Early on, I learned the benefit of cycling shorts. The chamois in the crotch that provides protection to your boys when on the saddle. However, I have always ridden with ordinary underwear on under my bike shorts. I assumed that it was just how it is done. But today...

One thing I hate about Chandler


In general, I love living here in Chandler. Great neighborhood, great neighbors, lots of quality restaurants, and good shopping. But there is one bad thing. We have biting ants. Not the usual fire ants that you can see and avoid. These little black ants that swarm up your legs and sting like crazy. We had a nest in our yard, fortunately the pest control people eradicated it post haste last year...

Quickie: School starts. My commute sucks for a few days


Ah, the children are back in school this morning. Apart from the fact that it is only July 22nd, and that is a sucky/short summer vacation for the kidlets, it also means chaos on the drive in. School buses are learning their new routes (they practiced last week, but it always seems like it has kinks when there are actual pickups). Kids are doing lots of dumb things getting to and waiting for the...

Wow, what a race. Marc Marquez wins Laguna Seca


What an amazing race. Today, the USGP motoGP race in Monterey at Laguna Seca. Marc Marquez, who became the youngest rider to win his first MotoGP race at Austin earlier this year, and who won the last round in Germany, went out and had a blistering race today at Laguna. Starting from second, he had an OK, start, but quickly got into 2nd place, following Stephen Bradl. Probably the best moment is...

Product Review: Road ID


I have always been an “outdoors” exercise aficionado, and I continue to get out on my bicycle, hiking, or jogging. When I was young, I never gave a thought to what would happen if I got seriously hurt. I guess I could have carried my ID (drivers license, health insurance card), but it never happened. Then, three years ago, I had the big one. A heart attack. Suddenly, I began to worry...

Guilty pleasure: Real Mayonnaise


I have been using the reduced fat mayo for as long as I can remember. I really haven’t felt that I was missing out on anything (except a lot of fat and calories). Then a few weeks ago, I made a new recipe of potato salad (Thanks to Marie Porter of Celebration Generation), that explicitly said “Full Fat Mayo”, so I bought jar of Best Foods Mayonnaise. I forgot how awesome it is...

Dear Google, please stop fscking with Gmail


Two days ago, I gave you props for being smart about the “Reply All” function in Gmail. Today, you wiped out that karma credit you earned with your new changes to gmail. I have long been a happy, satisfied customer of gmail. Hell, I purchase a small business account for my main domain, because your service is pretty kick ass. I have been on gmail since it was invitation only back in...

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