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I use Ad blockers, but I am not a dick about it


I have long been a religious user of ad blocking software.  Since the first plugin for Firefox back in the day, and now I use adblock across the board (chrome, firefox, and safari). I particularly hate ads on sites that I pay for (NY Times, I am looking at you), or where my information is the principal value to the company behind that site (Google and Facebook fall into this category).  But...

Music Reflections


When I first started making money, my goals were to be able to buy LP’s of music I liked. I put together stereo from old components, an old heathkit amp and tuner, some hand built (not great) speakers, and I splurged on a decent Technics turntable. What music did I buy?  Well, bands like Kiss and Cheap Trick were all the rage, but I had more eclectic tastes, and veered more towards what I...

Modest Ambitions


The foot injury is getting better, but alas it is still pretty painful. I am pretty sure that it is a pulled or torn ligament in the top (the one for the big toe). I am cutting back on the vitamin I, and still resting and icing it. But I know that I am going to be going easy on it for the foreseeable future. Thus, no exercise, and that makes for a sad panda. My goals for the next two weeks are...

Almost back to normal – a week after re-imaging my laptop


Last week, I had to get my laptop re-imaged. I had fouled up either my hive, or the install of Windows, so it had become incredibly unstable. Probably my fault. (ok, almost certainly my fault). It has taken a week to get back to functional. All the key software is installed. The settings are back to where I like them (for power options etc), and I got all the essential drivers sorted (you really...

What I miss about Tucson


After being in Chandler for a year, I do have some things that I miss from Tucson. The weather – The predictable, and at times wild summer Monsoons. The smells of the desert after a storm is intoxicating. The critters – The den of gila monsters near our house, the snakes (gopher and diamond back rattlesnakes). The Colorful banded lizards, the cotton tail rabbits, the javelinas, the...

Switching back to my iPad


About 8 months ago, on a whim I bought a Nexus 7. Really to be used for testing websites I work on for how they look on that size screen, a few months ago I decided to give Android a fair shake. Caveat: I have been an Apple person since 2002 or so, and have been with iOS since the original iPhone, so I am clearly a biased opinion. The fair shake involved me using the Nexus 7 for all my media...

Injuries – Foot edition


I have battled the scourge that is Plantar Fasciitis for a few year now. First cropping up in early 2010, it is a painful condition that really needs lots of rest and strengthening exercises. Returning to physical activity too soon is a sure way to make it far worse, and last longer. What I have now is not it recurring though. This appears to be a sprain in the tendon on the top of the foot...

Daniel Craig – Best Bond Ever


I have long been a James Bond fan. Started in the Roger Moore era, then the Pierce Brosnan era, and the single Timothy Dalton episode.  Then I detoured though the Sean Connery set of masterpieces. Loved them all. But the new ones, with Daniel Craig as Bond are the best. Yes, the effects are amazing, but they always were the best that their time had to offer. The stories are better. They are more...

Fitness in the Desert-Hydration


I grew up in the SF bay area, a place with very mild climate. Yes, we got a couple of triple digit days a year, but in general the humidity was mild, it never got too hot or too cold, and I never really worried about hydration. When I got to Arizona, it became a significant concern. I wasn’t going to let the climate curtail my activities, but suddenly, hydration became a huge deal. Even in...

The itch. It will pass


Out on the bicycle today, putting in my usual punishing 26 mile loop, I got to thinking how much I miss off road cycling. Alas, with my health concerns, I can’t get back on a motocross bike and roost like I used to, but I can get back on a mountain bike. I have had mountain bikes in the past, first a Diamondback Ascent EX (which came with the shittiest wheels EVER, replaced them with...

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