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Some Evernote Love


I have been a premium subscriber of Evernote for a few years. At first, I paid to get the larger amount of storage, and to toss them a bone. It is the premier cross platform notebook. I have written in the past that Microsoft’s OneNote is a better app, but being Windows only means that I am not going to adopt it. At first, the disparity in features between OneNote and Evernote were pretty...

Why so much Apple Hate? iOS7 edition


Being a “geek” I frequent a lot of geek-y websites. One topic that comes up over and over is a raw hatred for all things Apple. Macs, phones, ipods, ipads, you name it, and you would think that Apple, instead of being one of the most loved companies on the planet, is staffed by the Antichrist. The thing that really bugs me, is that much of this hate, and virulence is completely...

Idiot Bicyclists


The weather is (finally) cooling down, and that brings more people on the roads and trails. A while back I posted on the lunacy of cyclists here (not knowing hand signals, riding against traffic, riding on the sidewalk etc), but today I saw some new ass-hattery on the canals in Gilbert/Mesa. First, I was passing a slower cyclist. Wide open path, plenty wide, and he was well to the right. So I...

The crazies are back – bad drivers


My commute is a nice sedate 7.5 miles up a major street.  No freeways, no HOV lanes. A couple of schools so you get the dropoff madness, but in general it is a smooth trip. Heck, if you time it right, you can miss almost all the red lights on the way in. Lately, the traffic load has gone up. Significantly. Not sure whether it is the seasonal uptick (the snow birds slowly making their trek back to...

Some good things about being “smart”


Today, I got to flex some intellectual muscles.  We had our monthly engineering meeting, where we bring our founder in (from the local university) and we discuss technical projects.  I am a mere marketing flunky. Before the meeting started, we were discussing swimming pools, and how here in Phoenix, with our uber hard water, and high evaporation rate, that your pool accumulates a lot of...

A passion rekindled: Cycling


Off and on throughout my life I have been more or less a serious cyclist. From my first used Schwinn Stingray (I wish I still had that bike) to my current road bike, I have at times been engrossed with the sport, pushing myself to the extreme, and at times I have backed off, not riding much at all. I am now going through a phase where I am increasing my cycling, and I am enjoying it. I am...

Really? That’s your advice?


I have been battling with my HP work laptop for what seems like since the day I joined my company. Lately, it has gone through a few system boards, and a handful of tech visits. Nothing has been able to fix the latest issue. If I hibernate the system and undock it, when I go to spin it back up, about 50% of the time I go straight to a bluescreen. If I sleep the system, it goes into zombie mode...

Death of a once mighty brand – HP


From this awful laptop that is a hopeless pile of crap, to the core strength that was once HP, their printers, it is apparent how the mighty have fallen. I have posted before on the travails of my lousy laptop. Suffice it to say that it works, but the power management bits are pretty messed up (not sure if it is windows, or the hardware, and frankly at this point, I don’t care.) This post...

Grocery Store Madness


Not going to complain about ghetto behavior at the grocery store (although there is plenty to comment on there). One thing I miss about Tucson is the local Safeway store. Our local store had decent meats, a great deli, and a remarkably awesome wine selection. You could get some great splurge wines there (like Grgich Hills Chardonnay. Not cheap, but damn fine splurge). We moved to Chandler a year...

“That House” – every neighborhood has one


You know what I am talking about. The house with the smoker who only smokes outdoors. It seems to always be a man, perhaps his wife doesn’t smoke, and makes him go outside, or perhaps he is just considerate of his family. Or maybe they are worried about selling their house later. Whatever, they smoke out doors. Of course it is obvious which house has this person living at it. There are...

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