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Not too happy with WordPress right now…


Nothing like getting an out of the blue “Abuse Notification” from you webhost provider. Sigh. About 9:00PM last night I got the warning that there was malware on my wife’s WordPress site. Scripts in three unrelated files, and who knows what else damaged. Earlier, doing my normal maintenance, I found that the plugins and theme updates would fail. This was the first hint that...

The joy of Vinyl


Last year my father in-law passed away, a sad occurrence. However, we inherited his stereo and music collection. A couple hundred LP’s with a lot of jazz and big band recordings from the 50’s through the 70’s, and even some more modern items. This weekend, I have the stereo setup, an okay Marantz unit, with some decent bookshelf speakers, and a Sony belt drive turntable. Nothing...

Apple Disappointment – Photos


Being a long time Apple fan, I have often sung their praises. Products that work, fit in with my natural workflow, and in general delight. That said, a recent experience has tarnished the gleam. About 6 years ago, I realized that the built in photo management tool, iPhoto, was completely unsuitable for the task. I had graduated to a decent DSLR, and started shooting in RAW format. iPhoto did read...

House Journal – Failed Project


House Journal – Failed Projects Yesterday started innocuously enough, a trip to Lowes to get a few items we needed, and to pick up an under-sink water filter. There was a filter when we moved in, an old GE unit, that was so old, that filters were no longer made, and old enough that I couldn’t find cross referenced replacements. Perfect time to upgrade to a reverse osmosis system. A...

House Journal – New TV


I have been MIA lately, the move, unpacking, and some insane deadlines at work have meant that I had no time to write, but I will begin to rectify that. With the move, the trusty Pioneer Plasma screen was showing its age. When we bought it in 2006, the LCD panels at the time sucked big tool. Side by side, there was no comparison, the plasma kicked their ass all over the playground. It was a...

Bravo to my Neighbors at the Hotel


The joys of travel. Hotel rooms, uncomfortable beds, pillows that are too much or too little support, ice machine runs that you hear, and doors slamming in the halls. However, Hotels are often the site of passionate lovemaking. I am used to hearing the hookers in Asian hotels with their clients. But those are strictly business deals. Bang, and they are done/gone. Last night though, my neighbors...

Pizza Primero


One of my specialties is hand made pizza. I first came in contact with making pizza when I got a job at Chuck E. Cheese in the early 1980’s. Apart from the access to wicked cool video games, I got to learn how to build a pie. Of course, Chuck E Cheese isn’t known for their pizza, but it was a start. Crust, sauce, cheese, toppings, in a very hot (550 – 600F) oven and 7-8 minutes...

Meals in the new Kitchen – Arroz con Pollo


A series of posts about the meals I cook in our new house. I have posted on some of my culinary exploits in the past, but these will be special. For the first time ever, I have new appliances (mainly a quality range) to cook with, and that brings me no small measure of joy. The first meal was Arroz con Pollo, a hearty Mexican classic, single pot meal. You really need a good heavy dutch oven for...

Prima donna Appliance Installers


We bought a house, and as the appliances were ancient, well used, and put away wet, we decided to replace the kitchen set. There were some difficulties finding a refrigerator that fit the space in the cabinets, but that was minor compared to the Bosch Dishwasher we bought. First, it was back ordered. Many deliver dates were promised, and missed. Apparently the installers would pick them up and...

My affair with racing games


Coming of age at the dawn of the video game revolution, I pumped a lot of quarters into the machines. I loved many of them, but the one that really captured my attention was Pole Position. Prior to that I had played the “Night Driver” game on the Atari 2600 (I remember playing at a friend’s house) but it was primitive. Pole position, with its steering wheel and the perception of...

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