
Apple Mail Madness


A bit of a rant here, sorry. I use Google for my personal domain(s) email service. Google Apps is a good deal, even for the two accounts my wife and I use. Solid performance, wicked good junk filtering, and they do a great job of detecting phishing and spearphishing attacks. I use the Apple mail client, setup to use imap to connect to the gmail servers and provide a local cache of my email...

Saying Goodbye to a Faithful Friend


It is with sadness in my heart that I must announce the passing of my Cateye Enduro 2 cycling computer. I acquired it in early 2002 when I bought my road bike, and it has been a rugged companion since then, logging and recording over 9,000 miles on the bike. It was not the first (my first cateye was on a roadbike I bought in 1988), but it will be remembered as the last. The UI was meh. The...

Pleasant Surprise – Cell phone


Yesterday I had a great experience at the local AT&T store, and I have to share. My wife has been a Verizon customer forever. She chose them way back because they had better coverage where she spent a lot of her time. Being somewhat of a luddite, she has been using a flip phone (a pretty plain, but solid LG flip phone) for about 5 years. As time went on, she began to use it more, and often...

Going legit. Real photoshop


I have an admission to make. I have long been a scofflaw. I have been a Photoshop pirate. I am not proud of this. And indeed am somewhat ashamed. But to be fair, I haven’t used it for professional purposes, and mostly have used it to re-sample images for use on the web. I have not felt too guilty, as I have purchased Photoshop Elements a few times. So Adobe has gotten money from me for my...

Family Tech Support


A couple of days ago, as I was fading into a jet-lag induced foggy sleep, my wife complained that her laptop (A 13″ MacBook Pro, probably 4 years old) was getting slow on email. I  knew that it had about 1/3 of the disk free (about 90 gigs) so it wasn’t running out of space. The next morning came this conversation: Wife: “Uh, I need DiskWarrior to see if I can make my laptop...

Google Authentication Shenanigans


Is it me, or has google been fucking with their gmail authentication today?
I swear it has kicked me off my webmail 4 or 5 times today. Won’t remember which accounts are logged in.
At one time it got me stuck in an authentication loop. Over and over, prompting for my password.
Grrrrr. This has happened before. Hope this gets fixed soon.

My online history


My blogging/online history I started blogging late, in 2009. I was stuck in a bad job, that had gotten much worse due to some serious political wrangling by the executive suite. At first I just grabbed a site, and made a couple of posts that were really not meant to be read by anybody. Venting about the stupid crap that I saw every day. Very quickly, I wanted more. I had been...

My history with e-Readers


I am a gadget person. I have always loved tech, and have often been on the leading edge of trends and an early adopter. One category that I dove into head first was the e-Reader trend. I first stumbled across them in 2006, when Sony launched the PRS 500. I didn’t jumped then, but I had my eye on them. At the time, I was traveling the better part of 50% of the time. Being a life long reader...

e-Reader – Beginning to Cave


I am an avid reader. I started in high school, voraciously reading science fiction. I can get through 3 or more Sci Fi novels in a week. I used to be a frequent visitor to the used book stores. The advent of eBooks was a godsend. Instead of raiding the used book stores, and carrying 6 or 7 books when I go on business trips, I use a reader. My first reader was a Sony. I got it before the launch of...

The plug has been pulled – Canceled my MT hosting


A couple of months ago, I awakened to a horrifying announcement. My web host, Media Temple, had been acquired by the sleaze peddlers at GoDaddy. Ugh. I had been hosting with MT since 2009, and had been very satisfied. Great performance, flexible, and when I needed it, awesome service. They were not an inexpensive solution at $20 a month, but I felt confident in paying the premium at the time...

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