CategoryProduct Management

The dark ages of music


No, this isn’t bitching about a genre, or a period of music per se, but instead it is a grumble at the practice of turning sub standard live recordings from the 70’s and 80’s into “new” albums.  In this period, many bands began recording themselves at all their shows. The Live albums were a popular addition to the catalog, and let fans enjoy their music with some...

Soccer Moms imperiling their kids


Quick post today. This morning, I almost got creamed by a soccer mom dropping her precious kid off at school. She ran a red light to “beat the rush” to enter the local Basis school. Fortunately, I had anticipated the idiocy, and had my foot hovering on the brake. Basis schools are charters, who are selective in their admissions, looking for the bright stars. And from what I know, they...

Grocery Store Madness


Not going to complain about ghetto behavior at the grocery store (although there is plenty to comment on there). One thing I miss about Tucson is the local Safeway store. Our local store had decent meats, a great deli, and a remarkably awesome wine selection. You could get some great splurge wines there (like Grgich Hills Chardonnay. Not cheap, but damn fine splurge). We moved to Chandler a year...

Shopping observations: Coupons


A few weeks ago, it was a madhouse at the local Fry’s supermarket. Packed to the gills, and tons of rude people. Alas, I stumbled across a woman doing extreme couponing. She had an expanding file folder that was literally stuffed with coupons, and a shopping cart full os odd items. This caused me to recall why I am not really a fan of coupons. It is an American dream to get a good deal...

Writer’s Block – groan


In my job, I often must write long, boring, detailed technical specifications for products under development.  A full set of requirements includes the up front market justification that is needed to “sell” the proposal, an accounting of the types of customers who will buy (buyer personas, user personas) and the actual requirements in excruciating detail. It is not hard, once I get...

Touching a nerve


So, I have a regular blog where I talk about product management and other career-like things.  I get 20 or so visits a day, and I have some followers in the product management / product marketing world. I try to be a little bit of a balance against all the happy-feel-good self promoting blogs from the Product Management conslutants. Some things I have noticed: The greater the “snark”...

Weight loss update, more on my quest to not be a Person of Walmart


Started the memorial day weekend well, took a couple extra days off, and haven’t wasted them. I had a serious plateau at 220 and 219 #’s.  I was stuck there for almost week and half.  Nothing is more depressing than counting every calorie you consume, and every erg you expend in exercise to not see any movement of the scale.  Last time I did this, I had several plateaus and I know I...

Weight loss update – My quest to not be a person of Walmart


Another boring post, but hey, it helps me keep track. In 3 & 1/2 weeks, I have lost 13+ pounds.  The ‘+’ means that I am oh so close to breaking through a plateau that I can hardly wait. Plateaus are something that just happen, and anyone who has done serious dieting knows that they really suck. But today, I was flirting with 218#’s.  Woot! The added bonus is that clothes...

Things I don’t need to be told


Number 1: I weigh too much and should lose some weight. Duh. Number 2: I drink too much. Time to do something about #1. #2 follows from #1. But first, why am I in condition #1? Well, simply, I like food, and I like to eat. Add to that that I am a stress eater (I fall back to comfort foods when I am highly stressed), and since I am a product manager, I am stressed pretty much 24-7-365. Last time I...

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