CategoryMovie Review

Awful Movies – Death Race 2


The other night, scrolling through Netflix, looking for something to watch, a “recommended” action and adventure movie was “Death Race 2“. The premise was pretty weak, at a prison, a television crew happened to capture a prison riot, and it had the best ratings ever for the TV station. Parlaying this into an entertainment franchise called “Death Match” where...

Movie review – 2Fast and 2Furious


The other night, Barbara was out having dinner with a friend and her mother, so I was thumbing through Netflix looking for some mindless entertainment. In the “Action and Adventure” category I spied “2Fast and 2Furious”, the second installment of the Fast and Furious franchise. Wondering how bad it could be, I thumbed the select button, and started it up. The opening...

Jurassic Park III


Last night, while scrolling through Netflix, one of their “Recently Added” titles was Jurassic Park III. Since I had re-watched Jurassic Park, and then the less enjoyable sequel, The Lost World, my thumb tapped the play button. Ugh, what have I done. It starts with a boy and a man (presumed to be his father) going parasailing on Isla Sola, the “Second” JP island that we...

Jurassic Park


On the train with Netflix viewing again, Friday night I fired up “Jurassic Park” on Netflix. Released originally in 1993, it was the first movie I recall with this much immersive CGI effects. I did see it originally in the theaters, and I recall being wowed by the cinematography. The Premise A wealthy “Showman”, John Hammond (played by the amazing Sir Richard Attenborough)...

Netflix Binging – Battlestar Galactica


For some reason, Netflix “recommended” the Battlestar Galactica series to me. Having vague memories of it as a kid, I thought why not, and put it on. The Pilot is long. I mean, REALLY REALLY long. It is three 1 hour episodes (part 1, part 2, and part 3). Originally broadcast in 1978, it was about a year after the first Star Wars movie, and clearly it was influenced by the blockbuster...

Reprise: Rush – the movie


Last night, I grudgingly (ok, not so grudging) watched “Rush” which I had posted on in 2014 after watching it on a plane. Barbara had added it to our netflix list, and since it is DVD only it took a while for us to roll up to it.
Here is my review of it fromĀ 2014.

Guilty Pleasure – Milla Jovovich movies


I can admit that there is something about scifi movies with Milla Jovovich kicking ass that I just enjoy watching. My first exposure was with the SciFi comedy “5th Element” a movie that I have watched probably 100 times, and to this day think is probably Luke Perry’s finest acting ever, it is a thoroughly enjoyable romp. Many memorable lines in the movie, starring Bruce Willis...

Bond Flicks


I have a confession. I love the Bond movies. From the early Sean Connery movies, the single episode with George Lazenby (and Diana Rigg as the Bond girl, rowr!), the Moore years, and then the others. I love the cheesy plots and dialog, the hokey special effects (although they have improved with age), and the whole “Aura” of the Bond character. The happiest day of the year was...

Movie Review: Rush


I rarely watch movies on airplanes, but on my last trip, I noticed the person seated next to me wathing a Racing movie. It piqued my interest, so I dove into the inflight entertainment. The movie was called “Rush” and it was about a rivalry between auto racers in the 1970’s. I had heard about this tangentially and thought I would enjoy it. But it would be a “Netflix”...

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