
General items. For things that don’t fit other categories easily – to prevent proliferation of category ID’s and simplify the taxonomy

Product review: Whirlpool WHER25 RO system


When we bought our house in South San José, I learned that we were on Great Oaks water. Having experienced that when I lived in my first condo, I knew the water was hard, and had a “taste”. (it is well water) While there was a filtration system, it was a simple cartridge system, and by how frozen the cartridges were to the manifold, it was clear that it had been installed and neglected for a long...

Review: Doc Martin


Doc Martin Netflix had been offering me as a “recommended” show to watch a series called “Doc Martin”. I had successfully ignored it for months, when one evening, as I was scrolling (and scrolling and scrolling) looking for anything decent, I saw it roll up again. What the hell, I fired it up, expecting it to be like many of their recommendations. However, it quickly sucked me in with the story...

Grinds my Gears – Maths


I was going to write something about politics, but the bizarre keeps happening, and is totally dispiriting. So I will talk about something entirely different. As I am currently working in a role related to education, one of my tasks is to figure out what is out there. You know, competitive investigation. The other day I was poking around the MOOC’s, and their offerings related to my research, and...

Bad commute days


Being somewhat ecologically conscious, I take pride in riding the train to work. Stress free commuting, predictable schedules, and for the most part a hassle free experience. Bonus is that my employer sponsors a transit pass for my, a tax break for them. Most of the time it is fine. Sometimes, there are annoyances, like the passengers who reek (either poor personal hygiene, or (far worse) those...

Music Mess


My music collection is a mess. They say that the first step is admitting you have a problem. And boy do I have a problem. I have nobody to blame but myself. How did I get here? I first started collecting music back in high school. Of course, back then, the state of the art was dragging a rock along a jagged groove and then amplifying the signal through loud speakers. But, while that might be the...

Group Dynamics


Some observations I have made, purely anecdotal, about the dynamics in groups. I do not offer these as scientific, or that there is any universal truths, but some of the behaviors are bizarre in the greatest. Group 1 – Guitar Enthusiasts Being a Guitar player, Facebook recommended to me a closed group, with about 80K members. Several of my friends were in there, so I asked to join and was...

Xfinity Time-wasting


Yesterday, as she was headed out to the gym, the wife tossed over her shoulder that her printer wasn’t working. A simple request for her IT person (a.k.a. me).
Simple, right? Ha ha hahahahahaha.
Log into her computer, and sure enough, the printer is offline. Poke and peek around and it looked like it just couldn’t see it.
Then I tried with my laptop. Same problem. Crap.

If I knew then – Guitar


I was late to learning to play a musical instrument, not being subjugated to lessons when I was a tike, but instead developing a desire to learn when I was in high school. I didn’t really have the funds to pursue this until I graduated, but then I got into playing guitar. Fast forward 33 years or so, and here I am. Recently, I joined a closed Facebook group called “Everything Guitars”, and I...

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