
Nextdoor – NIMBY to the max


When we moved to the new neighborhood, one of our new neighbors invited us to this neighborhood social media thing called “NextDoor“. Like Facebook, but instead of friends, it is your neighbors, and broken into logical groupings like small neighborhoods. We are in Santa Teresa-Oak Grove, and it has a hundred or so houses in it. It is surrounded by 8 near neighbors. Seems good so far...

End of an Era – Passing the Torch


For the last three and a half years, I have had the pleasure of running the Southern Arizona Greyhound Adoption web page. I was there at the beginning when Diana Hansen, then acting as the Communications Director, hosted us volunteers in her house, to discuss the public facing image of the brand spanking new organization. There were 6 or 7 of us in the room, and we were discussing the...

More notes on LA Traffic


As a recent post mentioned, I was traveling to visit family in San Diego, and having foolishly chosen to drive, I had to twice navigate the LA Basin. Always entertaining, and somewhat frightening, the drivers in LA are somewhat insane. Modern Jaguar – As I was entering into the valley on I15, this jackass was in a huge hurry. He came up on me at about 100 mph, and quickly changed lanes to...

Drivers – and Sucking


Having relocated back to the SF Bay Area a little over a year ago, I have commented on how the civility and the sanity of drivers on the freeways and highways had taken a turn for the worse. Really bad, selfish behaviors had become more prevalent and ingrained, with the trend to trying to get a little bit ahead. I sorrowed for the past where there was some decorum, and grace to be found, if not...

Vacation Time


Yep, since there is a little revenue problem at work, we have been “encouraged” to take 4 days of FTO in this fiscal quarter. With not so subtle hints that the week before the 4th of July holiday would be grand for this. So, I am taking the week off. Woo hoo. Not a great time at work to take off, but alas, I have learnt when they recommend you take time off, there is someone counting...

The Original Star Trek Episodes


I am probably going to piss off a lot of people with this, but I am wondering why the 1960’s version of Star Trek is a cult classic. Really painful to watch. Far more than the awful acting of the Shatner, the stories just suck. I just began watching it again via Netflix streaming, and the first three episodes are just plain awful. Huge plot holes, bad acting, awful story lines, it really is...

Quitting Facebook (at least temporarily)


When this goes live, I will have been a full week of not being on Facebook. Last Tuesday, I decided to do a drastic thing, to deactivate my Facebook account. It isn’t the first time I had done this. Back in 2009, not long after I joined Facebook, I deactivated my profile. That time, I held out 8 months before peer pressure caused me to turn it on. In the intervening time, it is astounding...

A CEO steps down, and I should care


Yesterday afternoon, it was announced that Dick Costolo was stepping down as the CEO of Twitter. The NY Times, and virtually all my media alerts posted about this “event” Excuse me if I don’t give a shit. A fabulously wealthy individual, who will likely not ever need to clip coupons, will give up his role at the top of Twitter, a mindless time waster (yes, I am aware of the...

Is life no longer worth living?


I wrote back in March about a life changing event. Having the gout. It sucks. Talk about white privilege diseases, and Gout is top of the list. But the doctor said it would return. One of the things they say causes flare-ups is beer. Sweet, wonderful, hoppy beer. Apparently, the puric acid is the culprit. After the major flare up (that about crippled me for 4 days) I swore off beer for a couple...

Hawaii Five-O Observations


I have mentioned in the past about watching classic TV on Netflix and singled out Hawaii Five O as endlessly entertaining. Lately, I have swung back into that series, and I have a few observations: 12 seasons – how on earth did that show last for 12 seasons? Seriously, by the 4th season it was becoming tiring to watch, and the plots have become super predictable. Rain in Hawaii –...

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