Capital of Silicon Valley? Perhaps. But on April 10th, the VTA changed the schedules of the buses and light rail trains. Here we are, two and a half weeks later, and they still haen’t posted updated schedules at their stops.
How freaking hard is it to print 50 or so posters of the new schedule, and get them posted? Seriously.
And the changes? They moved the times ahead 3 – 5 minutes. That means that I need to leave my house no later 6:30AM if I am to make 8:00AM calls in the office. Sigh.
About 5 months ago, the escalator at the Cottle Road station stopped working. It just sat idle. One day, after it was still for a couple of months, one of the security drones tried turning it on with his magic key. Ha!
My surprise 3 weeks ago when the Otis escalator repair people were working on it. Yay! after more than 5 months, they reconditioned and got the escalator working again.
For less than a week. Now, it is again inactive. Any bets on whether it is repaired in 2017?
Fare inspectors
Of course, one of the reasons for maintenance to lag might be the lack of fare payment. Fortunately, they have become quite aggressive. This morning I had my pass checked twice, once on the Santa Teresa – Alum Rock line, and once on the Winchester – Mountain View line.
I would still like to see them give out more tickets. There are plenty of people who don’t have proof of fare…