Life is a series of challenges, but some are more welcome than others. Today I bicycled into the office, showered and changed into street clothes. I brought in a pair of jeans, a polo shirt and the usual accoutrements. After showering, and dressing I made a stark observation: My jeans are almost too big to wear. Woo hoo, what a good problem to have. I don’t yet need to shop for more...
The joys of daily medications
Since I have had a bout with coronary artery disease (a mild understatement), I get to daily take a fun regimen of medications. Prior to my “event” I had battled high blood pressure (ironically, my cholesterol was OK), and was on an ace inhibitor to keep it in the “sane” range. Post event, my cardiologist has been much more aggressive. I am still on the ace inhibitor...
Diet and fitness update
Last week was a challenge. With the holiday (grilled some yummy steaks), and our anniversary (tried another local Mexican place that is now our favorite), and two days of training a new sales engineer put a crimp on the diet. But all told, I came out of the week down a pound, and once the over abundance of salt worked its way out, my blood pressure recovered nicely. This weekend, I got into the...
Oops, I did it again – The Facebook game
Lately I have seen people in my friends list tell me to change some setting to prevent their life events leaking into the facebook social graph. Sigh. It seems like every few months, there is some new way that Facebook abuses your personal information, making it harder for you to control who sees what that you post. First, for those who expect me to change some setting to help you, or you are...