I have ranted often about LinkedIn, from their desire to be a destination as often and for as much time as Facebook, a tall order indeed. Many of the people I know in Marketing are hailing it as the B2B marketing platform, praising the blogs, the opinion leaders they have recruited, and the communities that can be created. I naturally have a LinkedIn profile, and I am a member to many of these...
LinkedIn Still Sucks
Who would have thought that my last rant against LinkedIn would be the third most viewed post on my site. Astounding, and by the comments, it seems to have rung a bell with others. (note: this is a repost from my professional blog) LinkedIn is still crappy, for all the same reasons I wrote about here, but some new suckage has floated to the top. LinkedIn is ostensibly the “Facebook”...
My problems with LinkedIn
I am getting social media swamped. But there is one trend that I am sure that I am not alone in is the in your face nature that LinkedIn has become since going public. I have been a member of Linkedin for a long time, and it has been a good place to collect my professional connections. But, it is not a place that I go to daily, weekly, or even once a month. The truth is that for me it is not...