
Product Review: Canon G12 camera


I have long been a photographer. I began back in high school with my grandfather’s old Canon from the ’60’s.  I shot a lot of B&W film in high school (it was super cheap, and we learned how to process it ourselves, so it was a no brainer. I have stayed true to Canon over the years, with several film cameras, and not I am fully in the digital realm. Last year, on a whim, I...

Update: My time with a Nexus-7 Android tablet


A while back, I had a quick review of my first impressions of Android (recap: I had bought a Nexus 7 primarily to test a website I maintain for that form factor). Being a long fan of Apple and iOS, I was cautious in my review. At the end of that review, I committed to putting my iPad down, and living with the Nexus-7 day to day to give it a fair shake.  Here are some interim observations: The...

Cleaning up my computer (Mac)


One of the problems with how well integrated and how smooth moving from an old, tired Mac to a new machine is that a lot of old cruft gets carried along. For the most part, since you typically upgrade to a faster, with more memory system, it isn’t a big deal to carry a lot of baggage. Additionally, it is really easy to migrate and bring all your old programs, data and other items to the new...

My next computer (?)


I have long been a Mac fan.  Started back in 1988 when I bought a Mac SE with a 20 megabyte HD built in. I used the heck out of that before getting deeply engrossed in FPS games and building a string of PC clones.  I came back to the Mac fold in 2001, with an iBook, and have been there since. Currently I have an aging 15″  MacBook pro.  It isn’t dying, but it is showing its age.  I...

Music Streaming – conclusion


TL;DR version: Spotify wins To round out the saga, I needed to make a decision on whether to keep Google  All-Access or Spotify for my online streaming pleasure. If you recall, I signed up for a trial of the Google all access, and was comparing it to Spotify.  While I am an Apple fan, I am not sure their entry this fall into an ad sponsored offering is going to be worth my time. (Perhaps if it...

The curse of being a “Techie” – Making things too complicated


I have always been adept at technology. I am sure that some of it is natural aptitude, and some is single bloody-minded-ness that I learned from working with many different computers and other “smart” devices for years (decades now). I am the person that all my family calls when they have problems with tech. But sometimes, it is a curse.  Case in point: In 2007 or 2008, we took the...

More nostalgia – Technology – the PC Clone


After my Atari 8 bit and 16 bit days, I tacked hard into PC clone land.  My first build was a Mylex motherboard, with 640K ram, and a 286 CPU.  I remember buying the components from a variety of sources, but since this was pre-internet (probably 1986 or so) I didn’t mail order anything.  Probably got much of it at Fry’s Electronics. Added to this was an PC AT case and power supply, a...

The good ol’ days – Technology edition


Like everyone who makes it to middle age, I have a rich tapestry of memories. Today, while bicycling, I reminisced about my first computer, an Atari 800. The year was 1979, my freshman year of high school, and I got exposed to the new computer lab at school. It had (I think) 4 Apple ][+’s each with two disk drives, and small color composite monitors.  I was in love.  Of course, I...

My first Android Device – Nexus 7


About 7 months ago, I splurged and bought a Nexus 7.  Ostensibly, I bought it to test the websites I work on in an intermediate resolution (I already use an iphone and an iPad to test different mobile sizes).  I figured that I would give Android a fair shake, but alas, I have used it sporadically. Naturally, I used my gmail account to set it up, and I have done my best to set it up, and keep it...

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