
Weekend Trivialities


I have gotten out of the habit of updating things here lately. Work has become super busy. Homelife has been busy, and frankly the blogging has suffered. A bunch of things today. 1) Apparently my car is dripping oil. If it was s late 1960’s British car, this wouldn’t be an issue, as they leak oil until they are bone dry. However, being a Honda S2000, it is disturbing. I had it...

DoublePlus Suck – Seizure AND broken Toe


Grab bag here, and a quickie post… Yesterday was our anniversary, 15 years! Woot. Great dinner, and life is good. Then at 10:10PM, Tate has a seizure. I was not really sleeping so apart from the panic it wasn’t too disruptive. Apart from the trauma of the seizure. Then, as I was bolting down the hall to address the seizure, my left corner finder ahem I meant little toe catches the...

Moving, the last frontier


Yesterday I groused about some of the last dregs of moving. While the majority of the unpacking has been done, there was still a clot of boxes in the middle of the garage. Annoying, yet stubborn. This morning I was determined to do something about the clot of boxes. It was about 3/4’s of Barbara’s stuff. From her old office and from her folks house. Once I got determined, I was on a...

Moving Notes


Well, we are mostly unpacked, and all is mostly well. 95% of the boxes are unpacked, and the house is well organized. The boys are settled in (and too comfortable). However there are a few wrinkles. Before we moved from Chandler, I bought a new pair of cycling shoes. My old ones were 13 years old, and hurting my feet, so $225 later some new wide Sidi shoes were there. Unpacking, I have found only...

Marking a Half Century…


Today, May 10, I turn 50. Like many milestones it was both looked forward to and dreaded at the same time. I was working on a long, sappy, post, but screw that. I kind of remember turning 30. I was working at Read Rite as a process engineer, having fun, but still felt young. Life was simpler then, but living in Silicon Valley meant that I wasn’t going to be buying a house anytime soon. 40...

WordPress musings


My first flirtation with WordPress was in 2009, and I have been a regular user since. It has mostly been an enjoyable experience. Initially, I created a free site on, and quickly dove into the self hosted solution. Early on (pre 2.0 era) I got hacked. Entirely because I used sketchy plugins from authors who were only a little more sophisticated than myself. As time has gone on, and...

Passing of the torch – EA Sports Pro Tour


I have an Xbox 360, I play only two games with any regularity, Forza Motorsports, and the Tiger Woods Golf franchise (actually, I play that with my wife, and we enjoy it). I haven’t kept up with the franchise lately, because the 2012 edition was pretty good, and we really didn’t feel the need to shell out money for the latest version. Tonight, I got an email announcing the next one...

Saying goodbye to a friend – Braun Oral B 3D


In 2003, shortly after moving to Tucson, we got a pair of Oral B 3D electric toothbrushes. I was hesitant of this new fangled technology, but since we had them I used it. Then a strange thing happened … I liked it. At first it had just the standard brush heads, the round ones. As time went on, there were other heads, ones that wiggled, rotated, gyrated, and the like Some had rubber gum...

Innumeracy and the cult of anti-vax


The last post was about an innate understanding of scale and scope, and how this lead to a general understanding of magnitudes. A real world example, and one that is top of the news lately is the whole “anti-vaccine” movement. This is the increasing tendency to choose to not vaccinate your children due to the faulty belief that vaccines are worse than the disease. Leaving that...

Numeracy, the common sense of numbers


When I was in school, calculators were new enough, that they really weren't something that the average student had. They were expensive, and quite limited. Hence, we learnt how to do arithmetic with pencil and paper. In those days, the lesson plans were written to be approachable in a reasonable time frame to students to solve problems with pencil and paper easily. Even in my physics class...

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